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la Parcelle

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la Parcelle

A cultural garden open to all at porte d’Aubervilliers

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A programme showcasing crafts and gardening skills  

la Parcelle is a cultural garden, a place where time can be taken, where young and old, families, residents, and workers from the surrounding areas are invited to discover a programme dedicated to the living arts, emerging creation, and the values of craftsmanship.  

Conceived as an escape at Porte d’Aubervilliers, the green space will cover close to 4,220m2. The public will be invited to take part in gardening activities alongside the Vergers Urbains organisation, artists, and craftspeople. There will also be a range of workshops on horticulture, floral art, and the art of vegetable gardening. 


Une programmation mettant à l’honneur les métiers du geste et du jardin  

la Parcelle présente des installations d’art visuel, des objets sonores et des performances, des concerts, des ateliers créatifs, et autres événements artistiques et culturels en week-ends. Le public est invité à participer aux activités de jardinage aux côtés de l’association Vergers Urbains, d’artistes et d'artisans. De nombreux ateliers pratique autour de l’artisanat et du vivant sont également proposés, notamment avec Paris Ateliers. 

Un jardin, plusieurs usages

Cliquer sur les visuels pour en savoir plus sur les installations et services disponibles à la Parcelle

La Maison des Petits 

La Maison des Petits du CENTQUATRE-PARIS s’installe sur la Parcelle et accueille parents et enfants tous les mercredis et les samedis de 15h à 18h (à l'exception du 2 octobre : de 15h30 à 18h30) dans un espace convivial, qui se déploie à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur. La Maison des Petits propose des ateliers gratuits pour les enfants toujours sous la présence de deux artistes plasticiennes. Ils peuvent jouer, dessiner, lire ou partager des temps de création de fresques géantes ou un tissage au long cours pour créer un paravent collaboratif. 

la Serre, le Potager et la Ferme florale 

Sur la Parcelle, toutes les plantes ont été soigneusement sélectionnées par l’association Vergers Urbains, avec une attention particulière portée à la diversité et à l’harmonie des essences. 

Le potager permet la production de légumes, de fruits et de plantes aromatiques. Il est essentiellement le support d’usages pédagogiques (ateliers, visites…), dans une optique de transmission, de sensibilisation au vivant et aux enjeux écologiques.

Enfin, la ferme florale est un lieu de flânerie mais également une source d’inspiration pour les ateliers de la programmation artistique. 

l'Atelier de réparation de vélo

L’Atelier Remonte en Selle assure l'entretien et la réparation de votre vélo du lundi au vendredi, de 8h à 15h. Remonte en Selle est un service de réparation de vélos, à vocation sociale : une partie de l'équipe est composée de personnes éloignées de l'emploi. Aujourd’hui, Remonte en selle a deux ateliers à Paris et opère dans les entreprises pour des journées de réparation.​

les Installations artistiques

Tout au long de l’année, la Parcelle présente des installations artistiques. Certaines sont repérables en clin d’œil à l’instar du Parasol Tree de l’Atelier Craft ou des tirages du photographe Chau Cuong Lê qui parent la palissade du jardin jusqu’à la fin de l’automne. D’autres se mêlent plus discrètement à leur environnement et invitent les visiteurs à une chasse au trésor artistique. 

la Buvette

la Buvette vous accueille pendant les beaux jours avec une offre de boissons et de snacks sucrés ou salés, mijotés par les équipes de La Corvée à partir de produits locaux issus d’une agriculture durable dans une cuisine accessible et saisonnière. 

Située proche de la Porte d’Aubervilliers, La Corvée est un lieu aux multiples usages (laverie, café-restaurant, espace d’exposition) dont l’ambition est de recréer du lien social, de favoriser l’inclusion des personnes en grande précarité et de faciliter l’accès à la création. 

l'Aire de Jeux

Les aventuriers en herbe pourront explorer chaque recoin de l’aire de jeu, glisser sur le toboggan, escalader et s’épanouir librement dans des cabanes en bois, sur la Parcelle. L’aire de jeux est accessible gratuitement de 8h à 20h en semaine, et de 10h à 20h le week-end. 

The Partners 



The CENTQUATRE-PARIS is a residency and production space for artists from all over the world. Designed as a space to protect artistic and cultural aesthetics that are developed through cooperation, it provides access to the full range of the arts of today through an accessible and contemporary programme. A multifaceted space, the CENTQUATRE-PARIS is also a place of innovation and of experimentation and connections between all art forms and all possible audiences. It’s also a meeting place, with shops, restaurants, and spaces devoted to amateur artistic practices and early childhood education. Through its 104ingénierie team, the CENTQUATRE-PARIS provides its unique expertise in the cultural, urban planning, and territorial fields, which it places at the service of French and foreign partners and clients using a cultural urban planning method and for projects involving the design and implementation of innovative cultural and artistic projects.

La Corvée 


Located at 36 boulevard Ney, on the edge of the 18th and 19th arrondissements, La Corvée aims to replicate itself in priority areas to support people in the social field in their integration process and facilitate access to contemporary creation in non-specialized venues. Breaking away from the traditional concept of the art gallery, setting up the exhibition space at the heart of a community service enables La Corvée to achieve its objectives in terms of accessibility. Jointly designed and built by architects Sharmily Guyot and Anne-Charlotte Gandziri, the first location is structured over two floors which, since December 2021, have hosted a range of diverse uses. In addition to a community launderette and an exhibition space for young artists, La Corvée houses a restaurant where chef Louise Boiron uses local, sustainable produce. With an innate sense of composition and sharing, she creates intuitive and precise plant-based cuisine in a neighbourhood where food options have long been limited. With its multi-faceted approach, La Corvée is developing a new approach to social action and has been able to offer its services free of charge to almost 250 beneficiaries since its launch.

The Régie de quartier du 19e


The Régie de quartier du 19e is a non-profit set up in 2003 as a social integration enterprise.Its aim is to improve the quality of life in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, particularly in the Michelet - Alphonse Karr neighbourhood. The Régie employs local residents in cleaning and landscaping activities and provides them with support in finding training and sustainable employment. It also helps to create social connections by managing the Jardin Ver Têtu and organising a range of events to encourage people to meet and get to know each other.

La Station — Gare des Mines


La Station - Gare des Mines, built on the site of a disused coal station at Porte d’Aubervilliers, is home to a lively, musical, artistic, and cultural fringe, and a constellation of initiatives by established artists and inspired neighbours. Since it opened its doors, La Station - Gare des Mines has become a venue for broadcasting, creation, and residency, and its large spaces are home to a diverse programme inspired by the transformations in contemporary artistic practices. Located opposite la Parcelle, on the edge of the Paris périphérique ring road, at the intersection of Paris, Saint-Denis, and Aubervilliers, the Gare des Mines building was originally a coal station built in 1945. In June 2016, the Collectif MU, a not-for-profit organisation that had been based in the Goutte d’Or (Paris 18th arrondissement) since 2002, moved in and opened the doors of La Station to the public. La Station organises itself organically, quickly, and spontaneously, bringing together resident artists, collectives, and not-for-profits. La Station brings to light an emerging artistic scene that is often confined to much smaller venues, weaving together art, sound, music, and performance, while paying particular attention to welcoming minorities (gender, refugees and exiles). In 2017, it also launched StationStation, a dynamic web radio station that brings together nearly a hundred independent producers.



POUSH hosts and supports more than 260 artists as well as organising exhibitions and events in a creative district with local roots and international influence. After an initial experience at L’Orfèvrerie and an opening in March 2020 on 9 floors of a vacant office tower at Porte Pouchet in Clichy, since April 2022, POUSH has continued its activities in Aubervilliers, with the ambition of developing a truly creative and cultural district. In the 1920s buildings of the former L.T. Piver perfume factories owned by the Société de la Tour Eiffel, POUSH brings together, on this 20,000 square-metre industrial campus, 260 established and emerging artists from over 30 nationalities, reflecting the vitality of the French art scene. The artists benefit from workshops as well as a programme of artistic and production support and administrative and communications assistance. With a governance structure that includes the heads of many innovative cultural institutions, the organization aims to develop and promote multi-disciplinary creative spaces for artists and those involved in the arts, connected to the local area, but with an international outlook.

Vergers Urbains  


Founded in 2012 in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, Vergers Urbains is an organsiation that aims to make the city edible by involving city dwellers in its projects and using a wide range of methods. Streets, pavements, the foot of buildings, rooftops, wasteland, balconies: beyond mere ornamentation, their aim is to enhance these green spaces by making them edible, through collective, non-exclusive appropriation by residents.